Please use public transport or the Park and Ride to travel to Whittlesey.


The Procession lead by the Straw Bear will dance through the town accompanied by musicians, plough boys with the plough and followed by many dance teams starting from the Manor Leisure Centre and making it's way up Station Road and along Market Street.

Dance teams then fill the streets dancing in various locations around the town whilst the Straw Bear continues to amble around the town as per the Maps below.

Check out the dance teams and the procession order here.

Don't forget to visit the Buttercross to purchase this year's badge and programme, support the festival and take home a souvenir.

12 Noon, 13:00 & 14:00

There will be storyteller Su Squire in the Methodist/URC Church when you need a break from following the bear. Admission operates on a first come first served basis.


The finale takes place on the Market Place preceded by dance team performances.

Keep your eyes open on our social media for more updates!